Sunday, April 10, 2011

A World of Photoshop

Just as Danielle's blog was saying, photo's are becoming a large part of our online identity and our accessible information. However, this is also becoming an online world of Photoshop.

I have Stumble, which allows you to set your interests into a main website where with a push of a button installed on your browser, it will take you to an infinite amount of pages across the world wide web. Of all the websites I have browsed, about a fifth of them have been about Photoshop. There are hundreds and hundreds of free tutorials on the web on instruction of working Photoshop.

One of the websites I stumbled on -- was this webpage were a friend talks about how he hacks onto his friends facebook, changes a picture of the guy slightly, and then posts it back on. Now, the webpage shows the friend responding, which may or may not be real responses but this an entirely realistic point to be worried about. Your online self might be available to the world but is there even a real "you" online? With accounts getting hacked and accounts getting taken and pictures being altered, the "you" that the world can see may not be the real thing. So it's important to take care of your digital self and make sure you have hard passwords for your accounts and hard security questions to keep yourself "you" online.


Friends webpage with photos altered:

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