Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kinectic-Powered Electronic Devices

For the past 6 years, researchers at Georgia Tech have been working on small power-generators smaller than the size of a postage stamp. With the use of a phenomenon known as the piezoelectric effect, researchers have been able to construct a durable and flexible chip containing millions of zinc oxide nanowires. When the wires are flexed, an electric current is produced. To produce enough energy to light up the screen of an LCD computer, about 5 of these chips are needed. Researchers suggest that these mini-generators could be put to use in a variety of ways such implanting them in the soles of shoes to power portable electronic devices or implanting them in human bodies to power artificial organs. Researchers estimate that nanogenerators will be in practical use in about 3-5 more years.

More info at:


  1. This is an awesome device! It could revolutionize our portable electronic appliances. I cannot wait to see the new and exciting ways to use these nanogenerators.

  2. Not having to buy batteries or use electric outlets sounds great for we will have less battery waste and we will consume less electricity. This would also save consumers a lot of money when it comes to electric bills and buying batteries for electronics. Another thing people will not have to worry about is charging their electronics because you will be generating the power to your device by movement!


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