Sunday, April 3, 2011

Firefox and Social Media

It seems that Firefox is going to get a running start at making their user interface more likable by people who are very fond of social media. For instance, they have begun working at integrating their interface with social websites like Facebook and Twitter by making their address bar able to update their status. They have also added customizable menus that allow us to access Facebook and other websites much quicker and easier so that we are always connected. One of the features that I like the most was the one that would allow us to always be signed in to different accounts on websites; however I can see that as being a gigantic security problem later.


1 comment:

  1. I just installed the new version of firefox. I think is firefox 4 or something.I actualy like the interface and what they are trying to do with it and is pretty fast too. I think they are on to something. I don't know what it is ,but we will see soon.


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