Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teachers cannot friend their Students on Facebook

The board for teachers in Ontario, Canada forbids any teacher accepting or requesting the friendship of students via Facebook. This article also states that teachers who post negative or inappropriate comments on any social networking site may be fired and/or prosecuted criminally. The reasoning behind this is that that believe that teachers should always have certain standards and that they should always act professionally. Do you think that this new law will spark more issues, or help resolve the current issues that have surfaced due to social networking sites?? Should the United States adopt something similar to this?


  1. I'm thinking that it is inappropriate for teachers and students to be friends on Facebook, but I do not agree with the idea that a teachers need edit their posts in fear that they might be prosecuted or lose their job for what they say. If I were a teacher, and I had a really crappy day, I'd like to post that on Facebook just to let my friends and family know. But, if I'm afraid that I might get fired for saying this, I probably wouldn't post it, which is honestly just a case against the freedom of speech.

  2. This reminds me of the story where the teacher was fired because she was complaining about her day on her blog. I think its perfectly fine for teachers and their students to be friends on facebook. It helps keep in contact, ecspecially when the said student has left school.

  3. Honestly, it's fine for teachers and students to be friends on Facebook as long as they get along in real life as well. Facebook is a social website and is free to everyone. Keeping that in mind, there should be no restrictions or law against Facebook unless the government will be paying Facebook.

  4. This is nonsense. Prohibiting students and teachers from being friends on Facebook is ridiculous and against the freedom of speech. If this law is enforced in the US, I think it will create much debate. Teachers and other school officials should already know the possible consequences of posting negative comments as exemplified by past occurrences relating to teachers being fired.

  5. All the more reason to use the security settings on a Facebook. If you have "friended" a student you must also be understanding of the fact that what you've put up can be seen by the kids in your class. If you can't say it to the kids in person don't say it over the internet unless you can handle the consequences. If you haven't any students as your friends then you don't have to worry about getting in trouble with administrators and school districts.

  6. I am friends with an old teacher of mine on facebook and i think many students are. It should be okay to keep in touch with teachers by using facebook, and teachers should have freedom of speech. I can see how parent would want to protect their young children from adding adults on their facebook, but thats the parents responsibilty not the teacher.


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