Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dreamate Sleep Inducer

This technology help put you back in a regular sleep pattern if you've been having an irregular sleep pattern and can't really sleep when you want to.This technology is an amazing technology that uses accupressure techniques to gently massage the " Sleeping Golden Triangle" on your left wrist.The key is to use it for 30mins prior to going to bed or bedtime , and base on this data that the device collects,it will use it to reset your biological clock and train your body to relax and sleep.Google it,if you are interested.I for one, will like to know more .


  1. Sounds like a very interesting device, and if it works it could help thousands of people. Still, I'm skeptical about the idea. I suppose we will see if their claims are supported or not.

  2. I still think a good bottle of sleeping aid pills could help. But then again alot of people over dose on those due to sleep deprevation to begin with so...? It could be a win win situation.

  3. I think this is very interesting as my sleeping pattern is always off. But I'm not sure how it would feel to have my biological clock reset by technology.

  4. A lot of my friends have trouble getting to sleep, I could see how this would be useful to them. However, would it be able to do the opposite? If someone had no trouble falling to sleep, but couldn't wake up. I would assume reseting the biological clock might do this.


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