Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Google PowerMeter

Whether you are interested in becoming more "green" or you want to lower your energy bills at home, Google PowerMeter is an energy monitoring tool that you may want to use. Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that provides energy information by using utility smart meters and energy monitoring devices. This tool allows users to view their home energy's consumption online.

get Google PowerMeter from one of our utility or featured device partners.


  1. This looks like it could really help out people when it comes to their energy efficiency and costs. Personally, i'll probably try it out since I'll be paying electric bills soon enough. This way I could potentially save myself some money!

  2. Google PowerMeter seems to be a great tool to help consumers. Does this tool allow users to view their daily energy usage? Sometimes people are not aware of how much energy they are using and monitoring usage online could help them be more "green" or conserve energy and save money.

  3. I think this could potentially be very helpful. It could help by locating an energy consumer that the resident didn't know about and potentially help to end that unknown problem.

  4. As energy gets more and more expensive things like this are going to become more and more popular. This is a great idea and sounds very useful.

  5. This is a great idea, because I have to worry about how much energy I use up in the house I am currently living in. I don't want to use up too much, but would like to know if I have room to be living a bit more comfortably. Maybe this kind of thing will show you what it is that is causing you to use so much energy, say like leaving lights on or leaving electronics plugged in, so that you can avoid being wasteful.


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