Sunday, April 24, 2011

Excuse me waiter? Can I use your tablet?

Today I found an article that talks about a company called E la Carte that is starting to introduce the usage of tablets in restaurants that would ultimately replace the need for a waiter. I find this to be pretty interesting because the tablet would offer customers an easy way at ordering food, paying the bill, and keeping them entertained while waiting for the food. It is a smart way to keep service going at restaurants by eliminating the middleman, and there are dozens of times I remember waiting around for the check. Having these tablets would allow me to pay and leave almost as soon as I finished eating. However, this does kind of kill the social aspect of going out to eat, where you get to have a light conversation with the waitress or converse with your friends instead of staring at a tablet playing video games.

Source Article:


  1. If this did take off that would also cut out a lot of jobs. I don't work in the food industry but that is a first job for many people and a big employer to many college students. I am not so sure I like the idea.

  2. The only con I can see in this is that some customers are actually intelligent enough to jailbreak or hack an ipad/tablet easily. I have always enjoyed my waiters and waitresses and is part of the whole reason it is fun to go out. Most waiters have great input to a conversation!


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