Sunday, April 10, 2011

Make You More Searchable.

Greplin, a website meant to make your life more "searchable," as though it wasn't searchable enough by now. It indexes all of your personnal webpages such as your pages from: Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Evernote, your Gmail and so much more. It indexes these personnal pages and accounts and has them and makes them all accessible with a search engine.

The idea is that you have a search engine to access certain information from all of your sites by using key words to find that information. The site promises great privacy settings but in reality we don't know who can access that information. For example, in class it was discussed that even if your name is not an indicator as to who you are on an account, people look for trends in someone's online habits to identify you. This website helps skip that step and connects all of these webpages together, making your presence on the web far more accessible and identifiable.

So although I think this website is a good resource to help organize your online-self, it is also a way to make yourself more searchable and have more information about you be linked back to you. It is a helpful tool in finding information quickly from all of these websites, however, if you already manage yourself well and need a quick summary on a topic from those webpages.


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