Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Future of Communication

I came across an article online that was discussing the future of technologies off of the current ones that are beginning to develop:

Grassroots videos: anyone will be able to share and edit videos to their desire with free software and inexpensive equipment.

Collaboration Webs: colleagues and group members will be able to edit and work on group projects together on the internet. ASU even has a section under "Tools" for this sort of thing, and one of my classes I'm in currently actively uses that option.

Data Mashups: combining information from different sources into one, interactive tool. Sites like Pidgin are becoming highly popular on the internet.

Collective Intelligence: Large masses of people coming together and conversing and creating a collective understanding and mass of knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the largest examples of this.

Social Operating Systems: Networks becoming more organized around people more than content. Twitter interative media is becoming very popular during large events.

Deep Tagging: Deep tagging of audio and content that improves retrieval and organization of these files.

The world is becoming closer and closer with technology and it's interesting to see where it goes and what information can be used with these new technologies. Like Geolocating is becoming popular, where attaching location information to something else "media-wise" like twitter or such can improve the internet experience and can create applications toward data visualization.

A website with more on these technologies:

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