Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Postal Network making a move with Technology

Have you heard the news lately? USPS(United States Postal Services)trucks could monitor Air Quality , Road conditions and Traffic Nationwide.Now, this is what am talking about! - putting those mini carts to work more for us.The implementation will use Telematics - a mash up of telecomunication and INFORMATICS, this is the science of scanning the world with a wireless devices to extract data and sending this data to a computer network, and using those information for things like package tracking to monitoring highway speed of groceries trucks.UPS relies heavily on Telematics and so is GM with his Onstar navigation system. This is my kind of technology- very cool!


  1. I'm not sure how affective this will be. We already having the tracking confirmation that allows us to see where our package is and when it will arrive. As nice as it is to know where our package every minute, this sounds like this will increase prices for shipping and handling. It is a great idea though.

  2. Now this is informatics! I think this is very interesting and a great idea to start. This being implemented in the trucks is a great way of collecting data for many companies. I think is was also a smart business move on UPS part because now they can sell this information to other companies that rely heavily on traveling on the road.


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