Sunday, April 24, 2011

General Mills can't get the kids attention

According to the New York Times, kids are unaffected by the ads they are seeing on websites. The Banner ads that have interactive games as a way to draw attention to them are going unnoticed. Sure the kids still play the game but can they tell you who or whats its for? A study showed out of 112 kids only 10% of the kids were able to identify what the brand was in an ad. 34% of the kids thought a celebrity had created the ad.

1 comment:

  1. This makes complete sense because I know when I was younger, playing on Neopets with all of the cool kids, I barely remember any of the brands the commercial games were of. There were plenty of games where there were trivial questions about a movie or something where I would just memorize the right answer in order to get the points. I think this way of trying to get kids attentions is a bad idea because more often then not, it doesn't grab their attention. I like this blog post, I think that's a good point to bring up. Ads are being mentally blocked out because there are so many.


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