Sunday, April 10, 2011

See Through Walls

A new technology is currently undergoing testing by Sprint that would allow us to see through walls as thick as concrete. To be more specific, it wouldn't let us see through the walls to the other side, but allow us to see inside of them. As mentioned in the article, it would be a good way to detect "bombs, drugs, and dead bodies." I can see this being quite a powerful tool for a lot of reasons, especially for the forces.



  1. I'm sure that this could and would be hacked and or tweaked to see through to the other side. Much like how the kinect was tweaked to pick up precise movements and even facial features. I think the PS3 move controllers were even hacked to be more precise.

  2. This tool seems like it would be immensely useful to police, firefighters, military, and detectives. In addition this tool may even be used for detecting termites or other pests in walls.

  3. This sounds like an interesting app. however wouldnt this go against privacy laws. I wouldnt want someone being able to see me through a wall when i was in the bathroom. I wonder how this could be safe out on the market.


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