Sunday, April 24, 2011

Iphones secretly tracking users without knowing.

Based on the discussion in class, it is very scary to be tracked by strangers without knowing. If you have an iphone or want one soon, how do you feel about your locations being stored as data where anyone can access it? And maybe your home being one of those locations? Researchers found that there is a hidden tracking file in the iphone that I am guessing users were not suppose to know about it. The researchers who found the tracking file posted it online and you can now see where all the locations you have been since you got the phone! SCARY right?
"Cell phone providers collect similar data almost inevitably as part of their operations, but it's kept behind their firewall. It normally requires a court order to gain access to it, whereas this is available to anyone who can get their hands on your phone or computer, "By passively logging your location without your permission, Apple have made it possible for anyone from a jealous spouse to a private investigator to get a detailed picture of your movements."

This is so scary.. and it invades privacy!

"This is a map of everywhere I've been for the last months. Everywhere," he writes on that tech site. "I didn't carry around a tracking device. The FBI isn't sending goons in unmarked vans to track me. All I did was use an iPhone."

source: CNN

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine a phone tracking my every move and location, I think that more people would be open to it if there was more of a warning on it. Even a release paper would be more sufficient this definitely violates a lot of rights that most do not feel comfortable with. I know that this does not help the iphones competition against other smart phones.


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