Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mobile Game Spices up a library

The New York public library is spices up and getting into the modern world of technology by creating something of their own. Jane McGonigal, now a famous game designer studied in the New York library as a undergrad. She created a smart-phone based game called "Find The Future" it is a real life scavenger hunt with digital challenges that involved being in the library. "It's just the kind of space where you come inside and you feel something," she said of the library. "You almost feel like you could think bigger thoughts or dream bigger dreams." - McGonigal The idea: The first 500 people to enter on May 20th 2011 will get to spend the night at the New York Public library to do a scavenger hunt on their smartphone, with historical objects to be able to write a book in one night, its fanstastic. Being that my family is from New York, this library is a landmark and to wander in the historic library doing a scavenger hunt is fun and exciting. This idea could help teach children in junior high I think that this idea is fantastic. Check out their website, they have a youtube video, this idea is so cool and awesome I wish I thought of it.

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