Sunday, April 17, 2011

Computers can see?

Google is teaching computers to see. Yes that sounds very weird when you think about it but they have had some success so far. They have an app names Google Goggles. With Goggles, the user snaps a picture, which is transmitted across cellular networks to Google's servers. Google's computers then tell the phone what they recognized in the photo. This process can take only a second or two -- and sometimes even less.


  1. This sounds pretty useful I can't wait to see how this can be implemented in the medical field as well with a GPS. This technology is definitely a brighter look on the future for anyone who gets lost easily. I think this can be used in the medical field because google will be able to identify several injuries for non emergency injuries.

  2. i have this app and use it from time to time. In my opinion, this is a very great concept and idea but the app itself is not as great. It doesn't recognize most of the stuff i take picture of. The app mostly recognize thing that have popular logo or brand such as dell or coca cola

  3. Once they recognize something in the photo does it give you feedback or information on that certain object? If so, this app may be used in a learning environment. Students may be able to take a picture of a piece of architecture of a math problem and the computer can relay relevant background information back to the student.


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