Sunday, April 17, 2011

Twitter changed how we communicate.

Twitter has really changed social media and how we communicate.
1.)The information flow is unbelievably fast.
What happened in Cairo with Twitter is a huge example of how fast information was received. "In the Twitter echo chamber, all it takes is a few users with big follower counts to share something. With one click, those followers share it with their own followers. And the wildfire is set ablaze".-CNN

2.)Twitter has also removed the celebrity filter.
Twitter has allowed celebrities to share with the public with scandals are real and what are not. The filter has let celebrities be themselves over the web and have control of what information is going to the public.

3.) "Thought leaders"

Twitter has created a top list where it allows twitters to gain more popularity with their tweets. The top 100 hundred include mostly celebrities and media companies but it is very successful because alot of people follow top twitters.

4.)Made "second screen" more powerful
During a popular show you are able to tweet about what is going on in real time.
A show during air time lets you have a real-time conversation with your friends over a twitter conversation.

"TV shows become events, meaning people watch them as they happen," Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said last month. "We're so used to creating experiences for our users, but now our users are creating experiences for each other." -CNN

"A telling detail? Twitter traffic increases by a factor of 30 whenever "Glee" is on. And during this year's Super Bowl, there were 4,000 tweets sent per second." -CNN

5.)"Over simplified conversation"

This has to be Twitters must successful asset is the short thoughts sent via Twitter. Twitter allows you to get straight to the point. The shortness of a tweet allows fast and valuable information that gets to other users fast. This has been very successful for politicians and celebrities.


  1. Although most of the world has become Twittered, I still cannot seem to see Twitter as anything of value. I don't believe Twitter has truly changed our lives, and how we communicate with each other. I understand how users of Twitter may see the effects of the communication change but on a larger mass population scale it is a minor blip.

  2. Twitter definitely changed the way I communicate, I never thought that i would have one in my whole life. It's quick and easy and always can get my simple points across it's nice having lots of followers even if they don't know you and just think you are funny entertainment. Twitter is as essential as facebook now.


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