Saturday, April 2, 2011

Health App.

There are some new apps. for your phone that will give you health alerts. I found a video that talks about a few a really good mobile phone applications to help you keep track of your health. There are a few great apps. that help keep tabs on things like diabetes. Having applications on your phone for health purposes can make a person feel more safe as well as make healthier choices.


  1. I think this is a great and innovative way to use technology. Yes video games are great and fun, but to have a use for it to where it can actually help people is amazing. I'm pretty sure this is only the beginning of health innovation and I am interested in seeing how far they will go.

  2. Keeping tabs on diabetes is very important especially now that people are acquiring diabetes at a younger age. Having some kind of diabetes app will be extremely beneficial because when you are diabetic you must keep tabs on what you eat and how that may affect your blood sugar level. I think having an app on your phone makes it much easier to follow your dietary plan as a diabetic.


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