Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mobile Shopping

More and more people are using their smart phones to do more things. Online shopping has also moved to the phone and mobile shopping is an area that needs much improvement. If any of you have ever tried shopping on your phone, its a mess. Its slow and most phones are unable to access the internet quickly and efficiently. Some companies such as Bed Bath and Beyond (my employer), Coach, and Dillard's, do not yet have a mobile site much less an efficient mobile site. There is a huge potential to capitalize on mobile shoppers and Amazon seems the be the only company that has seen this potential.

1 comment:

  1. I have done some shopping of sorts on my phone. I use it more for ebay and amazon than say Best Buy. However, I would be a little reluctant to purchase an item online because if the phone loses signal for whatever reason, who knows what could happen.


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