Sunday, April 3, 2011

Minecraft as a learning tool

I started playing minecraft over the summer when a couple of my friends showed it to me. It's a lot of fun to play, and build your ideas. There is a teacher who also picked up the game over the summer and decided that it would be a good way to teach after seeing his daughter build a tree house. He uses minecraft in his lessons to teach valuable life lessons, such as sharing, cooperation, and patience. I think minecraft is a great learning environment. You can build anything you want, like a classroom to teach a specific lesson.

The teacher's blog:


  1. I think this game is fun too. Also, since it could be used in a classroom setting, teachers school could begin to use programs like these to introduce informatics to at a young age so that they could potentially gain interest in computer science. This tool could be useful in exposing children to computer science. Think about the aspects of the game that could help children learn.

  2. That's really cool because I've spent hours watching my friends play and people online play off of youtube. I think it makes people really learn to hate taking each other's crap from their constructions and can appretiate someone elses work. Hopefully I'll get around to playing it myself one of these days. And I agree with Roselala because this game has a lot to do with computer science and coding.


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