Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama and Facbook

President Obama visited the Facebook campus in order to sit down with their Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, along with a thousand onlookers, as he took questions both in person and via Facebook. He made a couple of small jokes initially, but when more serious issues were brought into question, such as the economy, immigration, and health care, the president gave sincere answers with his plans and ideas. A large issue that was not introduced into the conversation was the legalization of marijuana, which in previous interviews such as this, dominated the community-voted questions aimed at the president. Apparently, at this forum, there was more restriction on what questions would be allowed to asked of the president. Still, the integration of Facebook into this event created a much more expansive conversation, in which ordinary people were able to speak with their president, and the president could respond openly, creating more of a dialogue rather than a simple Q and A. If you're interested, here's the link!;editorPicks

1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting. However I feel that people should be able to ask whatever they want of the president. He is the leader of this country and we are the citizens, it makes more sence to have a truly open discussion than a censored, scripted one.


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