Saturday, April 2, 2011

Google +1

Google is going to introduce a new button to there site the +1 one button. This button will be located next to google seach results. Google is doing this to make there sight more efficient by using user recommendations. The +1 button is googles way of competing with facebooks "like" button. Here is an article that tells a little bit more about the +1 button.


  1. This will definitely add a significant amoutn of money to Google's money pool. It will add such a large amount of more traffic just from all the hype and word of mouth of the new button on the most popular search engine in the world.

  2. I am surprised they hadn't come up with this idea before now. It will make navigating the websites much more efficient.

  3. It could make it more effecient, which is probably what they had in mind. However, this means that there will be certain companies that will exploit this feature. Like when people found out the algorithms Google used to rank pages before.

  4. Google is always trying to make a better engine for its customers. This feature will streamline searches and make the engine more responsive.

  5. I like the idea of this button. I would be helpful considering i do all my searches on google and when im looking for accurate information quickly, it would be nice to find the page that people have already rated as useful. The competive world of technology is always expanding!


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