Sunday, April 24, 2011

Identifying Tourists

There's work of new technology at a University in Canada that's working on emotion-reading, biometrics to tentatively be used in airports. The imaging-system that is developing is getting a lot of attention world-wide because of what it may imply for airports.

Airports are hoping to use this technology in the future to use facial expressions in order to flag people for a possible terrorist suspect when they pass cameras or other places.

The idea came from a recent research project that won the top honour at the third Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The idea was a system that could read emotion through faces, and it was ranked as the best scientific paper out of 800 submitted.

In Montreal, Canada, this work is meant to spot people for potential threats by analyzing their facial expressions in order to possibly "stop terrorism." They say the system is years away from being fully-functional at airports.

Some people don't want to use this technology towards security, and would rather use it to create robot companians that can read facial expressions and catagorize them, responding in a more realistic way than ever before.

Security advancements or robot companions, it looks as though this technology may be incredibly widespread in the future.


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