Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Stylus is Making a Comeback

Remember a decade ago, when palm pilots were just emerging with the stylus? Then consumers decided that they preferred to use their fingers as they could easily lose the stylus. HTC is looking to bring back the stylus as a usable input device again. With both a stylus as well as multi-touch capability, tablets or even smartphones would be able to harness be best of both worlds. "Pen point" precision from the stylus as well as the ability to use your fingers as input devices.


  1. I read this article earlier, and I am hoping that they can get this to work. I own a wacom tablet of my own, and the main reason I bought it was because it would allow me to "write" directly on the tablet. The downside is, it is not a cordless device and requires some setup. If they can get a wireless tablet with a stylus working well with pen-strokes, that would be amazing.

  2. The Stylus is much easier for work purposes. A company I used to work for had a program on their phones and a stylus was much more useful than out fingers. It would require customer signatures and using a finger doesn't have the same accuracy as a pen.

  3. Stylus in my opinion has always been a great asset to have especially if you have a good piece of technology to back it up.A lot things still need to be written out especially when Technology is concern and having a Stylus makes electronic dictations very easy.Typing with your keyboard is good but has other limitations excluding the speed at which you can type.with Stylus, you can Highlight documents,draw with it, which can not be done with a keyboard.


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