Sunday, April 10, 2011

Accelerometer Glove

A new accelerometer glove has come about costing only around $500 instead of the usual $5000 that other accelerometer gloves cost. This glove can register your place in 3D space and relay that to a computer. They are trying to come up with more ways to use this glove.


  1. I really liked this invention and think that it has a high, dynamic potential. I cannot wait to see the different ways that it will come to be used. With inventions, it seems as if they always come out with the first version, then find ways to upgrade and lower the cost to make it more available. I guess it's just getting it started.

  2. I'm trying to figure out if the Kinect can do something similar to this or just can it only measure depth and perhaps not speed.

  3. I like the idea, but I would wait until they made it more sleek and had more options.


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