Sunday, April 3, 2011

Computer Science Majors

In reflection of our class discussion I found an article that was on the exact same topic. The author also talks about the ongoing problem of the lack of computer science degrees, and to add to it the stagnant interest in pursuing this field. The reasons that were brought up were the same as the ones that were mentioned in lecture. One being that many high school teachers don't know how to teach computer science. If it isn't even introduced to the students how are they supposed to even have the idea of being interested in computer science. Also, many schools don't realize the potential of computer science courses because they are so focused on a certain agenda and goal they are supposed to meet. Another issue is that where the curriculum exists, the introduction courses are boring and unappealing. All of these tie into the fact that the discipline is still young and new.
A tactic to make students take an interest is to make it relevant and useful to real life. For example, it mentions helping the students make a mobile application that tracks city buses. They are obviously interested in this because for several students the city buses are a form of transportation, something they partake in. I think this is the key point for coming up with strategies to recruit computer science majors.



  1. I totally agree with you. In high school I didn't take one computer class, instead I took applied engineering classes where I build bridges and projects and this sounded way more fun than computers. Even now, I am letting go of the computer field because it can't hold my interest when I look at computers all I could think of is programming and more programming I would be out in the world discovering new things instead of just sitting in front of a desk programming for the rest of my life.

  2. I used to be a computer science major for 2 years and when I was in high school there was little mention of what computer science really was. I actually stumbled upon it in high school and spent three years learning about it in class. However, i find it true that many teachers lack the ability to effectively teach student computer science and thats why its lacking interest.


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