Sunday, April 17, 2011


Creepy, a new software tool, has just made it less difficult for creeps to stalk people. This tool gathers information about a person from Twitter and other social media websites and plots the location of the person much like how a Google search works. So every time someone posts a tweet or updates their status online, 'Creepy' receives the info and creates a map of where a person has been, in addition to when they were at that location. The good news is that most people have the option of deleting all the location info they posted.



  1. It is crazy how much the internet can keep track of people and how it can essentially depict the type of person you are. In a way it can be good, but I can just imagine all of the chaos it can cause. Although there is more risk as time comes along, it is becoming more common for people to have an idea about the benefits and risks of the internet.

  2. This is horrible. This is the reason I do not get into social media. I mean I believe social media is a great way to communicate in present day but it just is going to get worse people can hack easily into facebook and twitter accounts. Especially being a young woman I wouldnt want people knowing where I am. I think this "Creepy" site should be banned.

  3. i think creeper come in many form and you dont have to necessary on a social networking site to be followed by creeper. There are creeper in real life aka stalker. I think creeper online is not a big problem as long as you know not to leave any important information on any social networking site


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