Thursday, April 14, 2011

US vs. Malware Technology

Over two million Windows based computers have become the victim of malicious software over the course of the last ten years, all done by a single group of attackers. the US Department of Justice finally was granted permission to remotely disable computers that were being remotely seized and controlled by hackers. In some instances, these hackers were able to record keystrokes and private communications in order to access usernames and passwords, as well as banking information and private data. Groups of malware infested computers, a botnet, are now able to be disabled by the Department of Justice in order to eliminate any further attacks on our privacy. This is just another example of how technology is being exploited by some, and in turn being restricted by the government. For the full story, here's the link:;editorPicks

1 comment:

  1. Malware is so damn annoying. I got hacked by malware 6 times on my world of warcraft account. A good defense which is also recommended by ASU is Malwarebytes. It removes and all malicious software. It is very helpful.


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