Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rift take on World of Warcraft

awhile ago, i bump into this game call Rift while it was in beta testing phase and decided to give it a try. I thought the game has some ideas that was seen from the famous old game such as world of warcraft and there are also a lot of fresh ideas. It was released about less than a month ago and there a lot of poeple out there that this is a world of warcraft killer. Here is an article regarding this game


  1. Rift seems like it will take off but I don't know if any game will ever conquer of World of Warcraft it has too many qualities to it that players enjoy, I think this game will only last a couple of years before people get bored of it and just stop playing and go back to WoW.

  2. I recently just tried out World of Warcraft and didn't find it all that amazing. There are many games out there that have the same exact concept as W.O.W that you can play for free. I feel like W.o.W. only strives because people make it seem like it's this great thing so other people want to go try it out and get addicted to it, when they can go get addicted to basically the same game for free elsewhere.

  3. As a long time MMO player, i can tell you that there is something about WoW, and Rift that make paying the 15 dollars a month worth it. I tried Rift out yesterday actually, bought the CE on ebay for 32$, and after playing WoW for 5 years now, I can safely say its a good challenge to WoW, its fun, interactive, and seems like all the boring and annoying wow content is taken out and moved to Rift.

  4. I've been playing WoW for a few years now, and when I saw a Rift beta key being given away for the 3rd or 4th beta, I tried it out. I loved it, the world pvp and events that happened were much better than those on WoW nowadays. I even got my friends to try Rift out for the final open beta. However, as good as Rift was, it's not going to be a WoW killer. Blizzard is still releasing awesome and challenging content for their most popular game. While Rift is a lot better than other "wow killers" like Conan, there is a reason that WoW has been on top for so long.


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