Sunday, April 3, 2011

Helping Computers Understand it's Users

Scientist Lijun Yin is working on making computers more aware of what we, the user, wants by detecting different emotions through facial recognition as well as other gestures. They have already started this process by working with webcams to detect where the eye is looking. Yin wants to focus more on letting computers detect patterns that it picks up from us in order to determine what we want them to do.



  1. My fear is that computers will slowly take over our lives. If we create computers that can sense where we are looking and how we feel, how much longer will it be until the computer is making decisions for us? Then we will have no need to think for ourselves and that could be detrimental to society.

  2. I agree with Jill that this idea may sound a bit creepy. Nonetheless, it is a cool concept and I would love to see it be made.


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