Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hacking your iphone

If you haven't learned by now it's no question that people are starting jail break their iphones, droids, ipods, and everything that you can possibly jail break.
jail breaking is when you install a special software on your device, can be easily found online, and alter it so that you can get free apps, fast speed, and better connection.
But this is illegal and people fail to realize that.
Now you can just search "jailbreak iphone" and get a step by step process to jailbreaking your online on google.

Currency exchange

although this isn't a new app, it's a very interesting app on iphone that could be great for people who like to travel, are businessmen working internationally, and people interesting in the money value in countries.
The app is called currency exchange. you can put in any amount of money in any country and it will translate to you the worth in another country. for example, dollars to pesos.
It's an app that can help people save time and "money."


I found this when I was looking through interesting apps, and it was interesting to see that an app actually could improve other apps or sites.
Zapd is an app that lets you create more cool, interesting, and fun apps and sites from your iphone.
This could work great for people on the go who can never have time to play on their computers, or even people using this app for business purposes.
A new update is about the come out.

Control Your Kid's "Sexting"

Mobile carriers are going to be able to offer more than just Family Locator options where parents know and control where their children are. But in the near future, U.S. carriers will be able to offer tools that will allow parents to stop their children from texting while driving, stop "sexting" with others and stop those children from communicating with "unwanted parties."

Parents will have access to the content in their childrens texts, and will be able to preview photos that are going to be posted on the internet or are going to be sent to friends.

They will also be able to specify what types of applications their children can get and when they can be allowed to use them.

Although I think this is a potentially good way for parents to sensor their children from a lot of unwanted activities, in consideration of how much kids become involved in their phones and connections, this may be the takeover of their lives. Micromanaging to the extreme even, depending on the parent and the kid.


Is Android beating out the iPhone?

It looks as though the Army has jumped onto the Android bandwagon. Does this mean that whatever iPhone has to offer isn't cutting it for America?

Identifying Tourists

There's work of new technology at a University in Canada that's working on emotion-reading, biometrics to tentatively be used in airports. The imaging-system that is developing is getting a lot of attention world-wide because of what it may imply for airports.

Airports are hoping to use this technology in the future to use facial expressions in order to flag people for a possible terrorist suspect when they pass cameras or other places.

The idea came from a recent research project that won the top honour at the third Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The idea was a system that could read emotion through faces, and it was ranked as the best scientific paper out of 800 submitted.

In Montreal, Canada, this work is meant to spot people for potential threats by analyzing their facial expressions in order to possibly "stop terrorism." They say the system is years away from being fully-functional at airports.

Some people don't want to use this technology towards security, and would rather use it to create robot companians that can read facial expressions and catagorize them, responding in a more realistic way than ever before.

Security advancements or robot companions, it looks as though this technology may be incredibly widespread in the future.


Mind Control Helmets

DARPA is now helping an Arizona State University neuroscientist to develop a chip to put in helmets. I have no idea what they would want to do this for, but it's probably not a good thing. Now that DARPA is helping the research, it might be a faster process to getting these things into people's heads.