Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let the war rage on!!!

The war over information continues to rage on. Do you BIng or are you Googler? Well I guess it may not matter as long as you get the information or site you need. However its big business and it seems that it's getting messy. Just recently google accused Bing of cheating. Google is saying that Bing is coping their searches and calling it there own. So does Microsoft really have a program that when you search for a word it just goes to google and search for it then return it to Bing's search results page. This would be to funny but it thats what Google is saying in a sense. Oh, Bing do your own work!


  1. I mainly use Google and I think it's because it was the first website I went to look up information, it is widely known and well developed. I have tried using BIng, but I never really stuck to it. This also goes for other relative sites such as Although it is a different search engine, I don't think Bing is really able to vary the search results that much because it is what the people are looking for. Yes the results look like that of Google, but that it what is asked for. Despite that reasoning, I still prefer Google.

  2. I'd say that I am also a main google user, but I believe this is primarily because they make it my toolbar search engine. When I really want to find out some science or math facts I am loyal to wolframalpha! I agree on the pure fact that bing cannot do very much to vary its results, but for google its like trying to sue the student next to you when they say the same answer as what you were thinking.


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