Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Professional Image

After looking through some articles, almost all of them talk about keeping in mind your on-line image as well. When I first apply for a job I don't think about what they can find online about me. I didn't even think there was anything to look up. Turns out, more and more companies are turning to online resources to do background checks on prospective employees.

Here's one of the articles that I looked through. This one even talks about FaceBook.


1 comment:

  1. I think that it is not a bad idea for companies to go to social network websites like Facebook or Myspace to look up people that they are thinking of hiring. It almost serves as an online database for everyone. Although, there is a popular saying, "a picture is worth 1000 words." I think that it is our own jobs to make sure that we know what we are posting online and knowing the kind of repercussions there are for posting such material. There are also many ways to protect your profile from being seen by people you do not know or are not friends with.


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