Sunday, February 13, 2011

More Smartphone Shipments Than PCs

I found an article on CNN that explains in 2009 and part of last year, there were more shipments of PCs than smartphones. Close to the end of 2010, however, Smartphone shipments exceeded PCs. Since the pass two years, shipments of smartphones has tripled, while PC shipments have increased by 45%. This doesn't mean that PCs will disappear because it is tedious to do certain tasks such as word processing on smartphones.


  1. I could see this happening. I have replaced my smartphone 3 times since I last built my computer. At my dad's house, there is one computer shared by him and my step-mom. However, they both have a smart phone. I never really thought about it though, pretty cool to see as a matter of fact.

  2. Yea smart phones are a real commodity now, just think about it, people are getting new ones every 2 years, and some even break theirs multiple of times. It is expected that phones will have a bigger production and sell rate than laptops, especially when the good majority of smart phones are now becoming free w/ 2 year activations w/ the carrier.

  3. I heard someone say the other day, "wow we might not even need computers anymore with phones like the droid and iphone." I think this is a very true statement (redundant) as with physical statistics it is very visible in the future. Smart phones are already programmable to have word processing software and are able to print, laptops are going to be nonexistent very soon.


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