Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Libya’s internet shutdown
It has been confirmed by “Renesys Blog”, I am assuming a native Libyan, which the internet in Libya has been shut off. There have been democratic protests about the dictator ruling in Libya. “Renesys confirms that the 13 globally routed Libyan network prefixes were withdrawn at 23:18 GMT (Friday night, 1:18am Saturday local time), and Libya is off the Internet”. It is said to say that the Internet is down because of power outages but that doesn’t make sense because the electricity is still working, that is what some Libyans are saying as of now but really it is because of the angry protesters that are invading the streets. Google transparency report is a very useful tool because it shows the traffic of Libya from when it was turned off which was this last Friday.

Figure 1: “Shows Internet searches from Libya, which is controlled by anti-government demonstrators.” CLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW

This information then suggests that Libya is trying to take control of their situation compared to what happened in Egypt. Libya is known for being invisible in politics and the public. "In a country where public dissent is rare, plans for Thursday's protests were being circulated by anonymous activists on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.” I think this is very interesting because Libya is a very hard country to get into say if you are an American, so I thought it was interesting how Libyans are on Facebook and Twitter. I think this Libya is the next area to look out for along with Iran for the next Egypt.

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