Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Life in 2020: Your smartphone will do your laundry"

The article "Life in 2020: Your smartphone will do your laundry", describes how in 2020, almost every appliance will have embedded connectivity. What this means is that almost every appliance and even your medicine bottles will have chips that allow them to connect to the internet and to connect with each other. This interconnectivity will allow your medicine bottle to email you or call you to remind you to take your medicine, when you leave your home and shut the door, the lights turn off and the shades go down, your phone will tell you to put a coat on, your car will tell you what route to take to work, reserve your parking and even order your cofee!! Sounds too good to be true right? Currently there are some issues that need to be resolved for this to be possible, but once they are, life will be sweet!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This story is fascinating and kind of scary to me. I think that smartphones reminding us to do certain tasks is great, but what scares me is the privacy. There are still people who hack into phones and I wouldn't want anybody hacking into my phone and stealing my information. It would be risky for a person to share their information, especially their personal information, and possibly with hackers.


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