Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Under Armour Shirt

Under Armour has developed a shirt that measures things like an athlete's heart rate and acceleration. They only made a handful given out to certain NFL prospects, but this could make a huge difference to competitive sports. An organization would be able to pick athlete's based on exact measurements. In the future you may even see this in high school sports, which would change the way you prepare for try outs.!5769728/nfl-prospects-to-wear-smart-data-gathering-under-armour-shirt


  1. I am an athlete and when I first saw this on a T.V. commerical, I was very interested. I wanted to learn more so I went on the website and learned that this new device practically does everything an athlete desires to know. It is pretty much a computer attached to your body as you work out.

  2. This is a cool way to finally combine all the tools into one. If it could attach a headset via bluetooth so you could plug earplugs and connect to a iPhone or a MP3 player this way you dont need it on you. It could be placed on the bike or treadmill. I will be purchasing one when it becomes available.

  3. What an interesting idea, but I wonder what the negative effects of somthing like this would be? I am thinking that this information can be used against athletes perhaps if at one point in a very important game, the shirt records that their acceleration is low, some people may accuse the athlete of not playing hard enough.


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