Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kissing? The future of game controllers?

A new controller was invented by Hye Yeon Nam, it is designed so that players of a bowling game are capable of direction and power for the ball's movement. The way this controller works is, "A customized headset is required for one of the participants, acting as the input receiver, while the other straps a magnet to his or her tongue and goes to town with some literal full motion controls. Thrust is added to the on-screen ball in accordance with how vigorously you move your tongue around"
I don't see this controller going very far in the future and in fact I'm surprised it was even created in the first place. Below is a link to a video so everyone can see how this controller works!

I would hate for someone to be offended by this, viewer discretion is advised!!



  1. Wow that was really weird. I read it and thought, "You have to control the game by waving your tongue around like a crazy mad man?" But after just a few seconds of that video, I understand..and I don't completely understand how it works...or...why....disturbed.
    I'm sure gamers everywhere are either doing a patented happy dance, or scowling. Either way, I don't see the point to this, and it obviously is a lot more work than need be.

  2. Wow, I agree with you. This will not become very successful. Not only does this leave this game limited with players (considering you'd have to play with your partner or people you're comfortable with), it is also very awkward. This would definitely not be considered a family game.

  3. I dont think anyone would want to play a video game with their tongue. It just seem very bad idea and doesnt make sense for most people


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