Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Would you like a Valentine's E-card from your loved one??

Considering the fact that Valentine's Day is around the corner, an article on MSNBC brings up the question of whether or not it is okay to send a Valentine's Day e-card to your significant other. Personally, I think that I would appreciate a paper one, and this article seems to agree with me. I also agree with the article when they say that it is okay to send a Valentine's Day e-card to other friends and family. I know what I want in a Valentine, but I am interested in how others feel about Valentine's Day cards versus e-cards? It is less of a romantic gesture if he or she emails or post a Valentine's Day card on a social networking site??


  1. I would have to agree with you Monica. As a girl I would want a paper card instead of email. A email card ruins the tradition of Valentine's day. There is a big history behind Valentine's day and I think it should be kept a tradition of telling your loved one how much you love them by giving them a card instead of just an email. Just like St. Valentine himself sent his first "greeting" to his loved one from prison. A email V-day card is not romantic, a card on the other hand is something that can be saved, handwritten is more meaningful than a e-card.

  2. I'm all for technology and innovative expressions, but there are some things that are better off old-fashioned. This is one of them. It does take away originality and the sincerity behind it. I would also appreciate a hand made or even bought, tangent Valentines Day card.

  3. I feel the same way, I love technology but like Nancy said, some things are simply better off old-fashioned.


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