Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Social Network

With all this talk of social networking (and well, being in the class of course) I figured it useful to view the movie about Facebook that has taken over the interwebs. The Social Network. I never realized just how much work it was to...create a website. Hours of coding? Constant algorithms? I'm not one for math or technology, but I never actually thought, "Oh, hey, this website has millions upon millions of nonsensical hieroglyphics behind the screen I am currently looking at." I also realized how much we take for granted, such as the internet itself. We need information? We type it into Google. But how long did it take for the answer we sought to come up? How long did it take for that same website to be created? Facebook was created within two weeks and is constantly changing and updating, and to think that just one person was behind it is mind blowing. (Well..if you count the twins...three...and if you count his former best friend and Justin Timberlake [not playing himself] then...five. But even then, it was really only Mark Zuckerberg behind it, back to one.)
Facebook has evolved into than just messaging friends and being plugged into their lives. It has become the home of a few social visualization tools, which we recently learned about.
Also, about the email decline, Facebook has updated its messaging system. Not everyone has it yet, but the new system is less "formal" and "e-mail-like." The new messaging system is almost like the IM system, except when someone goes offline, and you send an IM, it gets sent to their inbox. (It all looks the same.) They also got rid of having a subject. It's hard to explain but here is a link explaining everything:


  1. The movie was great!!! I don't know how accurate it all is but it shows just how cut throat the computer industry is. To think that Zuckerburg was the only person ever to steal an idea...please, can someone say Microsoft. It is apparent that it is better to ask for forgiveness then to ask for permission. A side note Zuckerburg on the day that the movie was released donated a 100 million to the New Jersey school district. Hows that for asking for forgiveness. Oh one more thing as I hate to admit this but this was all created to impress a girl. Once again showing that men in themselves are incapable to create greatness without a women driving them. Enough said on this topic. Overall great movie!!

  2. I would have to agree that the creation of Facebook was interesting to watch. Note: some of the parts of the movie was added because of Hollywood but overall a great movie. Facebook has changed the world of social media creating this mass amount of communication that is spread all over the world that so many people have access to. Facebook has also created a path for new innovators like the creator of Twitter. I mean, Egypt is a great example of this. I mean Facebook played a huge part in the Egypt revolution so I think it is so interesting. I think the Facebook company would be a great place to work and watch how social media will take over in many areas like business and social networks.


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