Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smart Phone vs PC

Recently I found an article relating to smartphones and PCs. It claims that smartphones have "conquered" PCs. I believe that this is because people now have a desire to access to the internet anywhere and anytime they want. It would allow for easy access to their e-mail, to Facebook, to check homework online, etc. They are also starting to become much more affordable for everyone to buy. PCs are still not too expensive, but on average one computer can last a person a couple of years before they find the need to upgrade. Now with the sudden burst of smartphones, people are making the switch over which most likely accounts for the dramatic growth in shipments for smartphones mentioned in the article.

What do you guys think? The article can be found below.

1 comment:

  1. I think PC still be dominate in every aspect at least for next few decade. The fact is that PC has a lot more power and more affordable alone make it the better choice for an average consumer


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