Sunday, February 13, 2011

People are too lazy to even watch TV? Grammy News:

That's what I got merely from the title. There will be live blogging from the Grammy awards and twitter updates to boot. However, the article isn't on this. The mention of twitter and live blogging is very nonchalant. Which means, obviously, that our generation is used to this--it's all become a habit to check the twitter and update the status, we don't think twice about it. It's just another way to communicate.
It makes me wonder how we survived in the 50's.
Article on the Grammy's:

A fun little article on communication now and then:


  1. I hardly ever watch the news anymore compare to few years ago. All the news i need to know is from front page of big website such as or

  2. Exactly! And even then some people have no idea what's going on in the world. You can have facebook set as your main page, and I hear all the time, "I only use the internet for like, black board and facebook." It's a sad, sad, generation of boneheads.


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