Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hitman on FACEBOOK!

Wow i guess people will try to buy anything on the internet now these days. Apparently there was this teenager age 19 who posted on facebook that he wanted to hire someone quick in facebook to kill a girl he later tried to rape. His post went as following " I got 500 on a girls head who wants that bread? Hit me up anyway possible." Lucky the person he responded to the post and met up with him at a rendezvous spot was a police detective. It is really a scary thing to think about how much power and resources we have at the click of a mouse.


  1. Thats an outrageous concept. Its unbelieveable how far people take social media. I hope the person will be sentenced to prison.

  2. I cannot understand how people post such things online and expect it to go unnoticed!


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