Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook profile Hacked

Facebook founder,Mark Zuckerberg Facebook profile was hacked by an unknown assailant.This is sad that the founder of Facebook cannot even protect his own profile.Now , that being said,what happen to the rest of us on this social media outlet that are not dispose to the kind of security tools that he might have used but was unsuccessful in protecting his profile.So much for our online security.Cyber space has no security.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say that cyber space has no security, but it indeed has its openings where people can go in and steal information like this hacker did. It is just like security that we have outside the internet, just because our front door is locked doesn't mean its going to keep everyone from entering. There are infinitely many ways to get information this way, it is up to the programmers to keep themselves updated so that they can keep people like that out.


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