Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Peek you"- Who is searching for you and your info?

I found a very interesting website called www.peekyou.com. How does this website sound? The name of website reminds me of the game “peek-a-boo , like when someone is “looking” for you. Moreover, this website has a search engine on their homepage and the person you are looking for you type in their first and last name. This website will then give you a list of people by the name you search by city/ state or country. Peekyou uses an algorithm that matches that person’s location based on years of data where that person has lived! Peekyou also helps other people that are searching for you through your social networking sites like your Facebook and twitter account. They basically can search “you” through websites and social networks that is “publicly” available which is scary. How do you know if stuff you posted on websites, photos, posts or blogs are “publicly” available from 2 years ago? Since they take whatever they want from whomever, for instance a picture taken off a website that you regretted a year ago you can’t. Why? Because it is publicly available.If you wanted to delete it off Peekyou website, Peekyou stated as a rule,that you have to have it "deleted" by the domain. Who would want to do that long process for a photo?

Here is a youtube about peekyou: I recommend watching this video, Peekyou creator, Michael Hussey, talking on the news. This video represents why you should as a child represent yourself on the internet because of social media from the beginning.



  1. I looked at the youtube video and it also comes across cyber bullying, which is what my website that I looked up deals with. I think it is a great way for parents to keep track of who is interacting with their children. I also think it would create and awkward situation. Say if I wanted to see who was looking me up, maybe I would try to contact them , but what if I didn't even want that person to know the slightest bit of information about me. I think that there should be more education on how the online network runs and that mostly all of your activities can be viewed by virtually anybody.

  2. Ok I find this website a bit creepy as they a feature where they will email you when new links for the search subject become available on the internet. I find that an extreme invasion of privacy. I also noticed these sights aren't incredibley accurate either. I looked up two friends and then my self and could only find my self with any real accuracy. So its not only invasive but not exactly the best site to find lost friends on.

  3. This website is something you would never expect. I mean who expects to find their own information on a website they have never been to. The website also has a feature where they give you a "peek score" which is how much of your information is online. The worst part is that they encourage users to increase this score by logging online frequently to increase this score. this is ridiculous.


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