Saturday, February 12, 2011

Social Media aided a Revolt in Egpyt, Social Media Revolution!

Hello. I came across a CBS article that was posted 2 hours ago and it was talking about how much social media played a part in the Egpytian revolution of taking down President Hosni Mubarak. Social media played a huge part in this revolution, one protester stated,"It's a very good way for communication. It has no power or control from anyone." Yes, I agree with this statement because no one is controlling but you. Moreover, when the government shut off the internet and cell phones, the protesters only increased. Another protester said that the social media was their most powerful tool upon creating this revolution. I believe that social media was very successful in this revolution because of how fast information can be spread and uploaded. I think now in the future, if a country were to have another revolution or a civil war social media will be the first one in line to organize it. Egpyt I think showed an example to the world of how powerful social media can be.


  1. I agree Social Media was definetely a huge contributer to the ousting of Mubarak. Even when they shut off the access people still found ways of communicating thru social media.

  2. It's pretty amazing and amazingly odd that protesting has found it's way through social networks--especially important issues such as the one from Egypt. And wouldn't be considered peaceful protesting as well? Just a thought, because riots can't exactly happen via comments. I believe that this will only get bigger and become THE way to get things done around this big ol' world. Especially with the successful "trial run" in Egypt. (It was the first time it happened, it could have failed--but it proved just how much say social media has on the people, thus, trial run, since it hadn't been done before.)

  3. Social Media played a very big role in this. Giving the people a way to talk freely without the government interference all the time. Their usual forms of media such as news on the tv was ran by the government. They could show or not show the people whatevery they pleased


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