Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well we all know that the brain is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation especially the radiation that is emitted through cell phones.
So to interest you all some more, there has been a recent study by Dr. Volkow, it was a paid government research study and here it what he said about cell phone radiation emission, "The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, but for the brain to be impacted the cell phone has to be close to the antenna. So keep your brain away from the antenna." There has many research studies about the wireless devices that it may be causes to cancer but of course that is just a prediction. It is also suggested to cause health problems like processing sugar in the body. Also it is not 100% safe either. So the article suggest a few options of "keeping your brain away from the antenna"

1.) Quit Talking On Your Cell Phone! - Try sending as many text messages as you can, avoiding talking long periods of time on the phone because it is not good for your brain.

2.) Wear Headphones When You Talk: wearing a headset or a bluetooth can cut cell phone radiation. The articles suggests it and quotes ". The only downsides to this are sociological: It looks weird if you're talking to yourself in public; and tech-savvy friends may judge you for wearing a Bluetooth earpiece".

3.) Buy A Phone That Emits Less: I thought this was really interesting, I had no idea a one phone could emit less compared to another.
"The U.S. Federal Communications Commission sets a radiation threshold that all cell phones sold here must fall below. Industry groups say this level is plenty strict, maybe even too strict. But others say consumers should be informed about how much radiation their phones emit and, if they want, they should be able to purchase a lower-radiation phone."

4.) Use Speaker Feature: This one is obvious but it is better when the cell phone is not close to brain but there is also alot of downfalls to this just because you have to be in private when using it.

5.) Limit Your Time When Talking On the Phone: Limit your time during conversations, the more time you talk the more radiation that is being emitted to your brain. So I know it sounds scary now but these topics are good to think about for now and the future since technology is changing so fast.

source: www.cnn.com

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