Sunday, February 27, 2011

How about powering your ipad or cellphone with you body!!

I found this article that covers an invention that, when strapped to your knee, it produces electrical power when u walk. It actually harnesses your kinetic motions to generate power. It's like the Matrix where machines are using our bodies to generate bioeletrical power. I thought it was a pretty cool idea. You simply attach the device to your knee and walk. It is that simple. It says that you could generate enough power in one day to power ten cellphones. Also there is a link to this article about new inventions in gaming. They mentioned this idea for a way to power up game controllers with heat generated from your hand while playing. Another great idea!,28804,1852747_1854195_1854172,00.html


  1. That is a great way to conserve energy and maybe even help people stay active. Hopefully they work it out and it starts to catch on, I think this could change the way we work with technology a little bit.

  2. This would be incredibly helpful. My phone is usually on the verge of dying while I'm out. Not to mention, I do a ton of walking at my job, so I could charge it all day.


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