Sunday, February 20, 2011

Online Abortion Poll

Although this is old, I feel that this type of news should be shared. Technology is definitely entwining with all of our daily lives. We let our friends know how we feel through status on facebooks, or tweeting. We've even relied on our social networks that we set up our phones so that we'll be able to update our status and comment our friends back where/when ever we are. Sometimes we'll even set our status to seek help from friends to help make a difficult decision. But how far should we go with our personal lives released online? This could had found out that they were pregnant and wasn't sure weather or not they should keep the baby. So what did the couple do? They created an online poll on weather or not they should get an abortion. Later on, it was revealed that this poll was a hoax. Despite being a hoax, the fact that they had put up a poll on line for abortion is just terrible.

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