Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Country that need a revolution?

Equatorial Guinea: for those of you that don't know, is in Africa with a population of about 660 thousand peoples, half the population of Phoenix , Arizona. Why do I think they need a revolution? Check this out; the coutry Dictator's son just ordered a luxury Yacht that is worth over 380 million US dollars ,while 70 % of the country population lives in extreme poverty.This amount of money is three times more than what the country spends anually on health and education for its impoverished people. The son of the president lives in a 30 million dollars Mansion in Malibu, California, with a fleet of cars and private planes. He is presently the Minister of Agriculture for his father's cabinet but spend most of his time in California living a larvished life style while his people are living wretchedly. We only know this because of technology, and countries like this ,need more access to technology to be able to see and hear what their leaders are doing with their money.Shame on him.......

1 comment:

  1. Another country who needs some stirring: India ! It was good to see, in the case of Egypt, a google engineer working abroad used internet to stir the pot and even went back to fight for his country. A great example for people living outside their home countries.


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