Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Intel Plant In AZ

Yes, at the meeting with Obama, and the CEO's of the major technology corporations Intel proudly announced to Obama that he would be building and investing into the economy a 5 billion dollar plant in Arizona building 14nm(nano-meters) chips of some sort. Think of how small that is, A penny is 20,000,000 nanometers wide. This will create many new jobs for the US. and construction should begin in 2013


  1. that is definitely exciting not only for the nation but for the state of Arizona. The State will be able to push further into engineering and technology.With a larger need of qualified workers it will draw educated professionals to influence the state as-well as spark scholarships for instate students to become the future employees of such innovation.

  2. This is in fact very exciting news for Arizona! This new establishment is going to create jobs in this recession and like Rey said it could also possibly be a great place for learning for instate students. I am looking forward to the this great innovation coming to AZ!


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